Nureyev Bolero Jacket

Rudolf Nureyev ‘s relationship with the ballet Don Quixote was complex. He first performed it as a member of the Kirov Ballet at the age of 21 in Leningrad. Over the years, as Nureyev evolved as a dancer, so did his interpretation and rendition of the ballet. His Don Q took on aspects of excitement and pace. He highlighted the comedic aspect and worked the ballet into a lively and robust version.

When he came to Sweden he saw this bolero jacket and insisted that he wear it in the performance. However, the piece was so fragile that the conservators were against it. It was not until the very performance became contingent upon his wearing the jacket that the archivists capitulated. The agreement that they struck was that they fashioned an inner jacket for him, to serve as the lining of this very fragile piece. That protective jacket bore the brunt of the movements thus allowing both parties to feel that their requirements had been met.

The garment is very special in its complex design that is only heightened further by the evident deterioration and mending. The colors are extravagant and speak directly to the fanfare associated with Alonso Quijano and his quest to revive chivalry. Nuryev’s man from La Mancha was beautifully dressed during his rendition of Don Q in Stockholm.